Triple wall corrugated cardboard

Triple wall corrugated cardboard sheet customized for various applications.

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We are among the few manufacturers in Mexico with excellent delivery response times. Avoid rework and unnecessary expenses with our triple wall corrugated ready to use.

Common applications

  • Heavy and/or bulk products
  • Automotive industry
  • Metalworking industry
  • Gaylord type boxes for the Agricultural Industry

Available configurations

  • All combinations with A, B and C flutes available
  • Kraft and/or white liners available

Available coatings

  • Anti-static
  • Chemical anti-abrasive applied on 1 or 2 faces
  • Anti-humidity
  • Paraffin wax

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Improve your productivity and reduce inventory costs with our corrugated sheets

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Entregas de 2 a 3 días que reducen la necesidad de sobre-inventario.

Reduce the need for excess inventory

- Faster deliveries to reduce your inventory and free up space in your factory
-Reducing inventory will increase your cash flow and your ability to apply such resources in working capital
-We attend low production minimums as low as 300 m²

Recibe la lámina corrugada lista para ingresar a tu proceso de producción.

Receive the corrugated sheet ready to enter to your production process

-We deliver the sheet in the exact measurements that you need in order to reduce production times.
-We apply special coatings so that the corrugated sheet enters directly to your manufacturing process.

Gran diversidad de corrugados con un sólo proveedor.

Wide diversity of corrugated products from a single supplier

- We provide double wall and triple wall corrugated products, Fanfold, A, B, C and E flute
- We offer tape and yarn reinforcement systems.

Resolvemos retos y aplicaciones para que accedas a nuevos clientes

We solve challenges and applications for you to have access to new clients

- Anti-humidity, anti-abrasive, anti-static, anti-flame, etc. applications.
- We apply the coatings on both sides of the corrugated.

Learn more about PCM Group


Corrugating factories


Paper mills


Business presence in 24 states of the country


Years of experience


Learn more about PCM in this video 04:35

Contact us

Tell us about your needs


Tell us about your application and specific challenges.


A consultant will contact you to analyze your needs and propose a solution


Minimize your inventory and increase your productivity with our products.

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Download this ebook to improve your productivity in 5 easy steps:

1. Reduce delivery times
2. Plan your purchases more efficiently
3. Keep your inventories low
4. Improve your productivity by eliminating pre-work.
5. Benefits of reducing your inventories

Download eBook

Contact our specialized consultants

They will assist you in finding the best solution focused on your needs.