Staff PCM

23 June 2023

What are the types of cardboard for packaging?

What are the types of cardboard for packaging?

Knowing about the types of cardboard is especially important for the packaging industry. Many products will be easy to package and will not require much effort to store.

In this article you will be able to know more precisely what the types of cardboard are to pack your products faster and, of course, with great efficiency.

Article content:
What is packaging?
What are the types of cardboard for packaging?
Tips for packaging
Packing with care

What is packaging?

Packaging is something that is used to wrap a product very delicately so that it arrives at its destination in good condition. When there are accidents or many products, these products must be carefully packed so that each product is preserved intact.

It can also help to promote its features to the clients. For example, a product can be wrapped and packed in a box to make it more attractive to the eye, or it can be designed to be easily opened and accessed.

What are the types of cardboard for packaging?

Cardboard is a common material for many products, such as packaging and furniture. In addition to being strong and durable, it can be recycled. Cardboard is also a great material for making boxes, crates, and other products. Types of cardboard vary, but among the most popular are the following:


1. Corrugated cardboard: a type of paper made from various materials that are cut into various shapes and sizes. It is often used in packaging because it resists wrinkling and is easy to clean.

Corrugated cardboard is also used to create a variety of products, such as boxes, crates, and tents.

2. Paperboard: there are many types of cardboard, but the most popular is paperboard. It is made from a mixture of recycled paper and wood pulp. It is strong, durable, and easy to work with; perfect for making boxes, packaging, and other products. 

It is also environmentally friendly, producing no emissions when used. It can also be recycled, which is a great advantage. If you are looking for an alternative to plastic, paperboard is an excellent choice.

3. Compact cardboard: this is a paper product made from recycled fibers. There are many finishing methods possible for diverse types and grades of paper. 

4. Stone cardboard: Stone cardboard is a type of paper made from crushed and dried stone. It is used to make boxes, packaging and other items that must be durable and wear resistant.

Stone cardboard is also used to make paperweights and other small objects. It is a natural product, easy to work with and long lasting.

We already know that these are sustainable materials and can be used to make environmentally friendly products. In addition, cardboard is an excellent choice for packaging because it does not cause damage to the environment.


Tips for packaging

Cardboard packaging is a vital part of any business. It is easy to use and can be recycled, which is great, but there are a few things to keep in mind when packaging your products:

  • Clean and free of dirt, dust, and other debris.
  • Stored in a cool, dry place.
  • Away from light

Take diligent care of it and you will see how quickly you will be able to pack any product you want!


Packing with care

Packing also works for going to another country. When organizing your suitcase for a trip, it is important to make sure you pack it carefully. If you pack light, you will be able to pack lightly and less delicately. Finally, be sure to store medicines in a safe place. This type of product can be packed very carefully. Cardboard such as corrugated cardboard is suitable for this type of task.

All these precautions will help you reduce the chances of your products being damaged during the trip and will guarantee you the best possible experience. You do not have to pack everything but remember that if you have things that require extreme care, such as glass, you will have to use this method.

Cardboard packaging is a common and effective way to store products. It is lightweight and easy to store, and it is perfect for small and medium-sized businesses. Given that cardboard packaging is so easy to use, it is a great option for products that need to be stored quickly and easily. 

In addition, cardboard packaging is environmentally friendly, as it produces no harmful chemicals or emissions. And because it is so easy to use, it is an excellent choice for products that need to be stored in a controlled environment.


At PCM we have more than 26 years of experience in the manufacture and conversion of paper products. Contact our consultants to learn about all the solutions we have available for your business.

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